This was taken by a hallmate, from his room in Sheares. The NUS campus really is quite beautiful, despite what many might think.
Yesterday, I was walking back to my room, feeling lousy and dejected after another Physics lesson where I didn't understand 90% of what the Prof was talking about. I looked up while crossing the road, and saw a light shower of pink petals cascading down from the trees. I stopped then to admire the Spring scenery, (Yes, Singapore does have seasonal change! :p) and listen to the wind whispering through the rustle of leaves. I think that was God nudging me to take a chillpill.
Trees really do give comfort to man, they have provided shelter, food and even clothing for humans for thousands of years... On the eve of Good Friday, as I look at this tree outside Sheares Hall, I remember another tree from 2000 years ago, one that stood atop a hill on Calvary.
And I remember what it means to me.