Wednesday, March 31, 2004

sodom and gomorrah

ugly, ugly, Turlington denounced.
the blinding smoke evanesce,
fat salt tears dry,
pitypity enmity, ineedtotaketheMRT!
anywhere quick tickatickati. time is ticking tickatickati.
don'tshowernow justletmeout!
arghh! you stupid crazy showering lout!

i can't slip past the cacophony unnoticed?
i can, you can't, don't rant rant rant.
you can't why can't
you shan't why shan't
please don't why not
i'll be done soon, i promi-
oh sod, hell, rot.

"well, if you go now, i'll look bad
if you go now, you can't come back"
what, a threat?
no, not that. just to tell you, don't regret.

humpty dumpty breaks, leaving behind
nothing. the horsemen take leave, go off for cake.

stuck in room

voicelessness of the black black computer screen

the undone bed, garden of sin

whir and choke of the oscillating fan

the faceless silent creature outside
eye on tv,

crossed my path, fresh from bath
poemishy sylvia plath
head in oven currypuff
hard to live with, rough and tough
you and your own

irreversible irreparable irrevocable irresponsible irreducible irre-
ire ire bloody fire, don't you offer to pay for my cab
don't you offer to carry my bag
because it's
irreversible irreparable irrevocable irresponsible irreducible.

i pull away again away from your kisses
red paperhearts crushed
you pushed me over the
pushpushpushpushPUSH! limit

wet sweet
butterflies that decayed into germs, worms, devious Hermes
black plaguey moths.
they who threaten. you threaten.
flutter stops.


butter slops.
you die. nought
but a shadow melting in my heart
don't think it's only the heart that b-b-breaks.
-Joel Tee

argh, this is CAP standard, probably, i think, though i hope not...
So She walked in, without her usual trounce.The harsh light slashing at her, stifling the tints in her hair.Her mormal ruddy complexion is still present, but this time for different biological reasons.She doesn't just sit, she begs the chair to hug Her. But the armless furniture ebbs away, much like others.
Tears freefalldown, and we awkwardly use the convenient napkin to dab at them. It was ridden with bulletshots, aimed at her heart, who says it doesn't b-b-break? A lipid smile is squeezed out, ironically, to comfort us; frail attempts to denounce fastidious monsters who overdemand. And undersupply. So you ask where do all these dreams go, if Elysium is denied. We provide no answers, only psuedo-comfort, because we are undergoing the same turmoil. But I refrain from liberating pent up rivers. I refuse to, not there, with the horrendous singers, prying children and THE YELLOW PEOPLE. and of course, The Chickens, suffocated with oil, but still listening.

I scour for other options (both to do in the immediate and long term sch plans), but I failed dolorously, so we turned to the ever unwavering hand of gossip, always eager to save you in neverneverknowwhattodo situations. The cheap, disgustingly relished thrill of harmless chatter, which attempts to pass of as profound inquisitions of acquaintances. 3-mth-friends........?

She vomits out an excuse to go home, vile and grief?to continue her sobfest?to detach herself from this matrix? I would probably do all. Throw myself into Plato's gnarled arms and let him pull the plug sticking out from my skull. Wait, that's too anachronistic, scrap Plato, Neo is the new messiah.
Flown to Hell and back, we'd better have learnt something.Abyssmal writing doesn't matter, abyssmal reading does. CAP!!!!!!!dammitammmitdammit.Plea for someone to churn out 10 f******** brilliant poems and pass it to me by 31st Mar. Oops, that's today.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004


adj 1: involving deliberate burning of property; "an incendiary fire" 2: arousing to action or rebellion [syn: incitive, inflammatory, instigative, rabble-rousing, seditious] 3: capable of catching fire spontaneously or causing fires or burning readily; "an incendiary agent"; "incendiary bombs" n 1: a criminal who illegally sets fire to property [syn: arsonist, firebug] 2: a bomb that is designed to start fires [syn: incendiary bomb]

Gosh i hate han.

therefore asbestos suit needed.whatever.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I am a map that you redraw.
Follow it. The buried treasure is really there.What exists and what might exist are windowed together at the core of reality. All the separations and divisions and blind allies and impossibilities that seem so central to life are happening at its outer edges.If I cld follow the map further and if i cld refuse the false endings (the false starts don't matter), I could find the place where time stops. Where death stops. Where Love is.
I Love You.

bah, what right do i possess to write like that, I've never really liked anybody before, it may seem quite pathetic to others, sixteen and not a taste of inexorable, inexplicable love...All the pple around me are "falling in love", whatever that means.Lusting after someone?hah, plenty, but love, no one, i think..Love pierces the hands and feet, but all these psuedo-lovers, petrachan in their extolling and exaltation of love, a warped notion, too contrived.mayb i'm too disillusioned, indoctrinated by my parents' mantra, isn't their marriage a prime example of antilove? no, its not fair to say that, they've really started to bond more these past few years. it's been subtle, but definite. we're "independent" now, there's no need to run to mummy (daddy never filled the role of gibraltar anyway) everytime we fall..(though i feel ts still does that , perennially) The midnight dates, the quiet, temporary, but much needed escapades from the family, i can can only empathise and understand how irritating we can get..the ebullience when i'm around ta, when will i ever grow out of it? momentary exodus from finances, businesses, and the endless litany of problems that plague's frustrating being married to my mom, she tires easily, making a ten-hour sleep ritual works until witching hour to put us up in this friggin place, which i think is a total waste of resources.(guilty of wastage sometimes...)hopefully we're mmoving soon, to a more economic venue.he'll get to sleep more then..wth, i mean he's forty plus already, the race is ending (the money-grubbing rat race, not the bigger one of lkife , god, i hope NOT) Love him more than i usually express it.
anyway, contemplating whether to continue running for council, with daph posted out..she seriously hates the idea of going to sa.."too distractive", she says..well, the august reputationand reverence gained fr studying in a top institution has been flung out, very unceremoniously, of the window (jonny taught me this bombastic f word w the same meaning, can't remember now.shit)whatever, does running alone really present me with an edge, cos i think to play on sympathy is underhanded..
yeah well, A11's class population has effectively been decimated with the new posting results..will miss daph... andrew made it back though, gd for him..somehow ppl have formed this impression that i have lesbo tendencies..(horrors!!)i'm not hompohobic, but i think tt's absolute shit.perfectly straight,oestrogen pumped, heterosexual girl you, mayb it's the rep of crescent working up again..
(lol..this part doesn't really connect, cos i decided to delete an embarressing thingy, now tt sen's in hc too..)
with keiffy, i think we've(almost) reached a state where its purely platonic, very comfortable with him, like with xq (no, tt's grossly unfair to xq, friend of 4 yrs, but u get my drift..)don't want this to change, i don't think we'll quarell, but drifting away seems like a ineluctable fate that has dealt its hand on so many friends whom i thought would stick around. shit, edi pops to mind, been reminicising alot lately, too often for comfort..whatever happened along the way?i'm getting tired of asking the same old question no one has an (acceptable) answer to. if by some sleight of destiny u read this, i'm sorry, let's not assign fault, let's not dwell, let's not dally in the valley(irreverent contribution..bathotic). no. do i want that, for us to start again after a gap of almost 2 years?is it a mere stasis of is it indicative of the end?do i care? do u?
stop making a scene..

but i'm not a playwright...

sometimes i want to go back to those years of innocence (its a paradox really..) rather than dither in the realms of torturous self-knowledge.
nothing can come between us except each other.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Be careful of words,
even the miraculous ones.
For the miraculous ones we do our best,
sometimes they swarm like insects
and leave not a sting but a kiss.
They can be good as fingers.
They can be trusty as the rock
you stick your bottom on.
But they can be both daisies and bruises.

Yet I am in love with words.
They are doves falling out of the ceiling.
They are six holy oranges sitting in my lap.
They are the trees, the legs of summer,
and the sun, its passionate face.

Yet often they fail me.
I have so much I want to say,
so many stories, images, proverbs, etc.
But the words aren’t good enough,
the wrong ones kiss me.
Sometimes I fly like an eagle
but with the wings of a wren.

But I try to take care
and be gentle to them.
Words and eggs must be handled with care.
Once broken they are impossible
things to repair.

- Anne Sexton

ah well, campaign's going find so far, but will have to find a viable alternative to Powerpuff girls, I mean, that would mean total annihilation of my august rep.
i need something that screams "VOTE FOR ME!", but in a subtlely astute kind of way, like an aphorism or mind blowing revelation, something like "Just Do It".Why isn't that branding guru offering help where needed???screw starbucks, help tw out...ahh..when words fail me.
anyways, film soc meeting today only gathered momentum after me and peck sat down to discuss our film--alone..finally, free from abysmal ideas that i pretend to acquiesce to, but all the while cringing inside.I guess that's what you do when you have nothingelse to offer..thankfully, the new script thought up by peck and tw (mostly the, it's true!Tw possesses immense creative flair!) is of a far superior standard of
the movie starts off surreptitiously as a quotidian cops and robbers cliche, BUT, it extends its insidiousness to the audience and lets them become embroiled in the perilous battle between religion and reality...muahaha, excessively bombastic sypnopsis of the movie...seriously, it goes on to explore the cantebury tales(yay!time spent reading those harrowingly morbid books on sec sch chronicling monstrosities did not go to waste!:)
poignant chess game(kudos to yours truly once again!) epitomises power struggle etc other related blasphemies...ahh, movie is looking very promising:)
ah well, enough of this shamelessly addictive ego trip...i can just envision everyone scrambling for a barf me, i'm not usually like that...voyeuristic, maybe..egoistic? *whole Sg choruses in unison* NO WAY!!
this is not helping my case very much, issit?

Sunday, March 14, 2004

but mr can you maybe listen there's
me &
some people
and others please

's future is toothsome like
(they got
pockets full may take a littl
e nibble now And then

against the deep sky in

May mine's tou
ching this crump
led cap mumble some
thing to oh no
body will
(can you give
a)listen to
who may



e. e. cummings
why must you psycho-analyse everyone? why must you paint a glorified caricature of the ppl e ard u? is it a vanity issue with u too? the seeming superiority of"understanding" three-mth friends, classifying us in ur warped filing system of humanity..trivalising our actions...

hiaz, class party on sat was a total drab...rain started evn before the fire cooked anything, lightning too threatening, which prevented me fr swimming..(though the lack of extra clothes n underwear posed a problem as well...i wouldn't mind borrowing ian's clothes, but he doesn't own bras, and i can't see myself in his mummy's..eww, tt's just plain wrong)
argh..had to borrow his clothes in th end, due to han's flouting of dunking my phone's ruined...argh...why did i not put it in a safer place?!?!why did i stand so close to the pool?!?!?!now i'm stuck w ian's phone for the next two weeks until the moron(han, not ian) gets me a new one..(ian's being terribly nice abt this whole debacle...which only serves to highlight what an asshole han is..)
anyway,got over the loss of my essential communication tool pretty quickly when wei xiang started preaching abt the lives of the less-fortunate...while less than extolling the merits of council...i'm still running though..if i get it, yay, but if i don't, i won't lose tooo much sleep over's gonna be a major commitement, so ..better brace myself..
determined to use this one week to upgrade myself..finish all the books i set out to read..keep abreast w schwork...ah well, and mourn the passing on of my,i'll live..
sounded pretty pensive on my last entry, but sen, somehow ur comment on it being "nice and deep" seemed to ..i dunno...diminish it?nvm though...
qingy..let's play tennnis again, but mayb somewhere more convenient (sorry sen for making use of ur condo facilities..)how abt the cc? badminton's fine too...

Thursday, March 11, 2004

ah well, episode on Os will be conveniently skipped over and forgotten, though truth be told, i'm fed up abt crying and hell w moe...screw my future..

cip today was really sad...
students didn't know the meaning of words like "noble", n i cldn't explain simplistically...they're
not exactly deprived...
just unfulfilled...
but i don't know of what..
i can't give them love, cos i've only known them for 1 hr, so pity's the next alt.

i never saw my "adopted child" agin..nurul was...still is her name... i promised to bring her out to macdonalds..her face is still a fresh memory, untarnished by modern discourse...she was never the friendly kind..i so wanted to connect, but i don't know, maybe it was the lang. barrier..but my eng's not too shabby..ironically, tt might just be the reason. suddenly have this inexpressible aching to envelope her in a coccon's big enough for two...she's small anyway...tragically, i doubt she even has an inkling as to who i am.. it's been two yrs..
don't want this blog to degenerate into some contrived emotional dumping ground, where the poetry sux n content is self-centric/hedonistic blah.
pple in class r so dreary...planning to run for council, but not sure i can make it... so i'll just be brushing up on pr skills..(i was never the eyelash fluttering girl who commanded attention...more of the wallflower stereotype, which i used to think i was the antithesis of)but apparently not)=>did this make sense? try to decipher it.
i used to think guides was a fulfilling cca, but can't bear to recall those days of searing naivety...encapsulated in self constructed coccoon...
msn is starting to be a really jejunic place...where pple lament abt their "angst" and "pent up emotions". those words have started to take a toll on me.... but i can't seem to find a suitable synonym...sadly, i am one of the uncountable whining bitches...wth, i have clothes on my back, there's no need to worry abt where my next meal will come from, i sleep in airconditioned comfort, for pete's sake, i even have a television!!!!stop complaining already, u only sound like a trite humanitarian wannabe...why do i reduce myself with fatuous insults?is it a vanity issue or a patina of staged humility? i guess "or" should be replaced by "and"...

phantom readers (ie pple other than xq, sen, sher, pls continue to lead a nondescript existence, don't let me find out you've been reading my blog w/o my knowledge, not so much because i'll be pissed (tt's only to a small extent), but more abt the awkwardness when there's knowledge and intimacy that's not mutual. cutting words, but tt's how i want it to be...
council preparational jobs have not been done so far, but none of my running mates seem to really care, wait tt's a grossly bigoted statement..daph's serious, but ritch is showing leanings of wanting to drop out, she sounded the warning alarm today with an emotional confessional didn't really achieve the therapeutic effect i was yearning for, instead, it festered like a noxious miasmata contemplating implosion...
weird imagery of myself as physical harbour for all this antagonism, antipathy...

there seems to be no real impt point tt i want to drive home (quote rm: drive it home with a headlight)..really..haven't experienced the calling yet...spiritually disconnected..i'm not even a sunday christian, more like, i try to be a nice person, but i don't take into account ecclesiastical concerns...

hah, "u suck so bad u swallow",(han's famous lingo) it's most prob the only thing i'll remember abt han 10 yrs down. will i even remember him...yes, because he's the biggest a**hole in class...wadeva, if u're reading this,bugger off, though i should think not, if the sacred trinity hasn't betrayed my trust... it's just really impt to me to keep this site private...

beginning to lose touch w some ppl, whom i used to spend so much time with in the past, but now hardly manage to keep a conversation alive...sad really.. reminder of wilted friendships, and a certain E comes to mind, i've never really mentioned her before here. have i? we used to be so close..nostalgia flooding in torrents...i'm not waving, but drowning..there are even flashes of times when i can't remember the shape of her face, her fingers, which used to be comforting whenever we did tt hand patting thing tt now only xq does (u know, the one where both of us link hands and clap our hands together softly?) it provides a maternal succour i can't find in my own mother...shit, getting teary...
why did the imbecilic shit abt the jw girl even occur?!?! i still don't comprehend...i mean wth...i said bye to her (E, not jw) the other day when she crashed hc, but attempt at reconciliation was flatly ignored with the nonchalant flick of her hair, and she gave me the cheek profile...her nose turned up, not in a snobbish way, but in a knowing disregard..and it hurt to see tt she's deteriorated into such a petty creature (the irony is sorely not missed here, omnipresent in the spiteful description).
ah well, kieffy beefy advised me to let it go..he's been one of, if not the sweetest guy in class, i hope it works out b/w him n zing (honestly, i try to help, it's just tt he lacks self assurance sometimes...)
shit, been online for way too long...
tw resumes mechanical, indomitable mugging front...