Thursday, January 29, 2004

Tong Wei has realised that HC students are, in essence, undoubtedly normal people after all - they are atill ceaselessly amused by macabre sexual fantasies, they are all pornography-loving, lecherous individuals at heart. Ian's revelation tt Keith's virginal looking hamsters are in reality agents of porn.This set Tong Wei off waxing lyrical about the libido of today's youths.

Tong Wei is also greatly impressed with poem by Dawn Lim from the next class:

appropriate days and impossible nights

shiva god
of destruction

and wrath i will walk barefoot over fire
to you, body smeared

with ash, hands washed
by their blood self-sacrifice my cry

to you to destroy
the flesh, distill the spirit

from the broken slate
of my body where i will rewrite

this new testament of faith so you find
in me the paradox of our land, where destruction

is a form of creation seeing
is believing the resurrected truth as we

hold up flags that cover
the bareness of the walls beneath,

the bareness of discoloured skin.


a temple that reverberates with a multitude of noises intrusion
of too many sounds assaulting one
another : heavy
scent of jasmine flowers dancing in air piquant
with tumeric that descends like orange pollen dust
upon hair evening

prayer call from the nearby mosque, sonorous
and low, entering with a breeze that disconcerts
the gods, stirs
the strings of mango leaves – they fall
like the plaintive chant of a priest trying to relight
candles in the dark

sound dis con
nected sound dislocated prayer interjected prayer
interrupted a teak cage,
bright, red
structure the shape
of a pomegranate on the other end of the street
where a bird is singing chi chi chi, sharp
and shrill, over
the distant

churchbells on the first sunday
of the month, laughing in naïve
optimism to the discordant clatter of cowbells
over the gopuram where a woman kneels, whispers diffusing
into the midday heat god hear
our prayers god hear our prayers god hear
our prayers through our temple’s
porous walls the wail
of a little girl squirming in a sari 1 yard and a quarter
too long tracking the dust
from the road outside onto the floor where an old man
in a white dhotti is washing his feet and face, each drop
of water catching the sunlight like splinters of a mirror


to my land besieged
by the vision of itself
it will stagger towards, step
by bitter step when you have reached
that point of no return, remember –

tell me the shape
of your face as you see how i must
see it: i will assimilate it
into mine, following your steps a blind
prophet, making my pilgrimmage barefoot
towards the realms of the gods

and hearing nothing
on the edge of this epiphany, except
the sound of my jagged breathing


there are appropriate
hot days with good weather
when we visit sri nananana temples with maps and printouts
while sipping vending machine coke
by postcard stands

and impossible nights, crisp
with rain that veils
the slumber of gods

a net,
the luminescence of the city:
bad luck.

this is where i want
to stand alone, holding
nothing but the imagined
darkness where there are only
prayers with no words: their verses
the silence held in broken hands.

:: dawn lim

Tong Wei finds this piece of literary gem deserving a mention on her blog, and resolves to start her own portfolio so that she can apply to be enrolled in the Creative Arts Programme (CAP). Mandatory to include diff styles of writing, preferably genre-specific in the categories of prose, poetry, plays and novels.

It is highly impossible that Tong Wei will be able to crank out 10 stunning works of art within the next month, therefore, Tong Wei has to start firing away immediately. Sadly, Tong Wei is suffering from sever writer's block, but she of high morality refuses to plagarise anybody's work. However, she also feels that the sharing of work would/should not be compromising her saintly principles.

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Ahh..the visiting frenzy has somewhat calmed down now, realised that it's getting harder to extricate myself fr holiday mood...don't really wanna go back on mon, though e subs are fun n all, but they're kinda brain-draining.. was pissed on tues cos of some STUPID bimbo remark by han, but discovered he ribs everyone, so shall not take it to heart.
h:"say something smart, i'm sure it's not that difficult, go on, try.."
t:"what do u want to hear?"
h:"oooo, that's certainly really smart"
t:(super pissed by now)"fine, we could discuss bertrand russell, but i doubt you'd understand"
h:(question mark)
t:"muahahaha"(silently) mortally offended now, go away until i'm no longer pissed(verbally)"
humph, mcp...common lingo mr macho man spouts:"bah, women, what do THEY know?" and the like.nvm, resolve not to bicker w him, and take all that he says w a pinch of salt, no, make that a packet...
anyway, cny was fun, though tiring, period pains struck yest, which made it unbearable to sit up, had to go to anchorpoint to buy pink make things worse, it started raining on the way back, so had to call dad to pick me up...Embarrassing when i had to explain cause of stomachache...
plus, hinted to relatives that hc is only a temp. jc, avoid setting myself for total humiliation if i get booted out after march....argh!!!plus, found out that the humans scholarship is actually quite hard to obtain, so will not pin too high hopes on that one as well..
on a lighter note, spent last two days watching incredibly crap movies which were surprisingly entertaining, in part due to goodlooking, just one look on ch u last night, the movie had absolutely no pt at all, but the shawn yue guy was cute..
better movies over the wkend include infernal affairs 2, ohmygosh, edison chen was soooo cute, the way he smiles, blah blah blah...(someone kick my ass now) the movie was superb, very sad, though character development wasn't a strong suit, but plotlines were gripping, very sad n touching, major reason movie being gd is tt edison chen played a small part, he wld otherwise have ruined the movie..(one has to admit tt even though he looks like adonis, he hardly has any talent, i mean, for pete's sake, have you heard him SING?!?!?!)
rewatched a la follie pas du tout again, which was a joy, i like the twist, sudden change of viewpt...clever, wanna write a script like tt....wicked...
plus, we are "now enjoying a free preview of star chinese, which would end on 22 feb"
intend to fully utilise free ch...muahahaha...
gongxifacai to all...

Friday, January 16, 2004

ah well, it's been along time since i updated... hectic times are ahead...the excitement has orn off and the fear and trepidation has sunk in. I have found out that not only are the students of hc og genius proportions, they are an extremely talented bunch as well, who write poetry in their free time, argue about bush's ridiculous policies, and still find time do obtain diplomas in piano and stay super goodlooking, esp. the girls..

Seriously wish i had more nurturing while growing up, why oh why did i give up piano lessons?!?!? so what if the teacher was a total bitch???
nevermind, resolve to memorise the world atlas like everyonelse has already done.

Anyway, the good thing is that i enjoy the classes here, extremely thought-provoking, which we didn't really have at now interested in nicholas steiner and thomas malthus, which i strongly recommend all jc 1 students to read up on (though i may have spelt ol'nick's name wrongly here). Economics is esp fun, primarily because barnard is so nasty... inspired to read the good book(no, not that one, sadly, but the John sloman one)..Speaking of which, seriously need to "Strengthen spiritual ties with the lord", not to sound too like a pompous git though...
In sch now, because blasted com at home has once again failed me...i am mortally disappointed in my family's lack of knowledge on computing basics...someone apparently reset the internet settings thing, which has caused a huge fiasco.
Anyway, my new catchphrase is ceteris paribus, which is sometimes highly unattainable, but nevertheless sought after...
Auditioned for the arts fac drama fest yesterday, the script ws sooo bad, i can'y believe judith huang wrote it, i mean , i actually cut out her poems and keep them, for pete's sake... i auditioned for the role of barbie, which is a really sad role, cos all the lines she spouts are amazingly"ewww, ohmygosh"(in a high-pitched american accented voice) and as everybody know, my american accent sucks!! I only do Brits... lol.Pretty sure i screwed up, but i'm hoping for an extra part as the tealady/butler's assistant or something... a shrub even.
Oh yes, will absolutely have to talk about my DREADFUL sorethraot which led to a fever (38.6 degrees celcius!!!), which led to awful mood swings eg glaring at everyone... thankfully much better now, or at least, in a better mood...
Minor accident yesterday, when xq called, and i bent over to reach for the phone, accidentally knocked into sis's specs, which almost broke (note:the operative here is ALMOST), she ended up wailing for an hour... i think the specs weren't the centrl problem, more like the stress all pent up in her...sec 3's pretty tough...Boy, i'm so understanding it's staring to scare me.
bye , off to start on my wonderful reading list...

Monday, January 12, 2004

Technically wasted the whole day in school, which kicked off with a shocking speech from Barnard about "Mickey mouse" time. i.e. playing time, and how it is unadvisable to totally slacken... duh, quite inspired after that actually, but my gung-ho spirit about mugging lasted for only 1/2 hr when we went to the library to find out about the implications of the us dollar depreciating.... quite interesting, really. Anyway, went to ikea with mates to eat the "famous" swedish meatball, which i thought amounted to daylight robbery, $8.80 for a stupid combo meal which wasn't in the least bit filling.. Sneaked some free coke when waiter wasn't looking though..hahah, cheapo...Then, went all the way back to school, supposedly to attend debate auditions, but sidetracked instead, and spent the remaining time at choir audtions, which was fun\, listening to other pple sing..Joined in a medley of karaoke hits with mates, including spice girls, mariah carey, celine dion, our HC songs, which totally rock.. I found out that Liang Wenfu (some famous local songwriter)was actually an ex-hwachongian, and he wrote fab songs like xi shui chang liu, dang ni gu dan ni hui xiang qi shui, and a whole host of other soppy chinese ballads, which he reportedly wrote when he was still a student in HC, bemoaning the loss of the school building, (which was deemed unstable in 1991, and had to be torn down and rebuilt), and the friends he'd be leaving behind. The lyrics are seriously tear -inducing, plus, we used to sing some of them back in crescent as well.... so that's really cool, but kinda irritating as well, because i can't get the friggin melodies out of my head.
anyways, shall end off the entry with a poem by Peter Larkin:

This Be the Verse

They fuck you up, your mum n dad,
They may not mean to , but they do
They fill u with the faults theuy had,
n add some extra, just for u.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old style hats and coats,
who half the time were sloppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.

Man hands on misery to man,
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as u can,
and don't have any kids yourself.

Sunday, January 11, 2004

I think I'm getting a tad too obsessive with this blog thing, I feel compelled to update it every single waking min.Bad for internet bills, time wastage blah blah blah.Anyway, Orientation was unforgettable, mostly because of the bonding.. Have I talked about the play we put up? Co-wrote the script, so yeah, quite proud of it. The pole dancing segment was the most hilarious, Lucas performed his dominatrix act complete with his trusty metal chain, which he licked/chewed on during the dance. Super cringe-worthy. Have to consider videotaping his act and post it online. Yay, will finally fulfil dream of producing(in the technical sense) a porn flick.yuck, can't believed I typed that.

Anyway, today was a rather lazy day, simply could not get through the anthology of poems. Went out just now with family to Chinatown for some festive shopping, but there's really nothing to elaborate on, usual bickering with TA, I mean why can't I stop?!??!?! Argh!!!!! This is ruining my life, I swear talking/looking at him makes my blood pressure shoot up a few notches. Will not suffer from hypertension because of TA. CHILL TW!
Just finished reading everyone's blog, and discovered that all of us have evolved dramatically within the space of a few weeks.Sher was waxing lyrical about her poly/jc dilemma... Robert Frost rocks!Sen was gushing abt her sch mate...Qing coming into her own as she discovers her hidden talent for sports...Really want all of them to come to HC, simply because ...don't know how to put in in words.Well, firstly because i'm there..(hah, narcisstic view to be ignored), but also because it truly is a wonderful place. Now that i'm there, i feel tinges of regret about my time in crescent, you know passing my days as a wallflower, obsessed with studying. Realised that after i've left, Crescent will be no different than when i entered, it would be as if i never existed. Suddenly, all those activities that used to occupy my time now seem so trivial. I mean guides isn't exactly a very fulfilling cca, sure, we had some good times, but y'know, they were sorta, i dunno, average? I wanna run for council, but being a minority student there, that seems a little far-fetched (that's an understatement, i'm like the only crescentian there), plus i don't know if i'm the PR sort, going around campaigning and stuff.Don't know yet, it's a little early for speculation now, since elections are in may, and i'm still having nightmares about being booted out of HC after the release of the results.

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Tried to revisit the past by going through sec 4 math notes, albeit failing, my memory is more short-termed than celebrity weddings.tis a sad state of affairs...
So now, an idle mind breeds morbidity. Otherwise known as perverse thoughts, I came up with this list, (though not exactly by myself, had help from weird medical book..)

Top ten things that pop out of women's vaginas(collectively known as babies):

1.Harlequin: Looks like a hippo.Skin is covered with thick, horny scales and plates.

2.Acephalobrachia: Lacks both arms and head.

3.Cephalomeus: Arm or leg protrudes from head

4.Cephalolthoracopagus: Twins united at the head/neck/chest.(more commonly referred to as siamese twins)

5.Cryptodidymis: Twins in which one fetus is entirely hidden within the body of the other. (watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding for more info)

6.Hemicephalus: half a brain (i actually know some people plagued by this most unfortunate condition)

7.Hemiacephalus: No brain (ditto above)

8. Holocardius armophus: A blob

9.Holocardius acephalus: No heart,head,chest

10.Holocardius acormus: Just a head (my personal favorite)

I think I'm seriously sick.

Moving on to lighter, funnier jokes:

Q: How did Hitler solve the inflation crisis pronlem during WWII?

A: By letting out the gas - deflation

It's been a long time since i last updated my blog, due to time constraints.Orientation at Hc is soooo intense, i mean, i wouldn't know if Bush started another war or something...(visit this site: for bush in 30 sec ads..powerful political msgs there..)
anyway, orientation was obviously a blast, Hc has been known to conduct legendary orientations.Highlights include war games which were super violent, i mean i tried to take on guys twice my size, (successfully, if i might say so, for a couple of times, quite proud of myself..:P) otherwise, i was getting punched in the face by over-zealous Hwa-rriors.
The main story/theme revolves around the "Rising of The Pheonix-Blazing The Trial" which, in my opinion was a total ripoff of LOTR.Nevertheless, it was super fun.Activities included the usual mass dance sessions, not unlike those we had back in Crez, except we had the opposite sex for partners now.All my partners were reasonably nice to talk to, as in there were no awkward silences, alright, except for this one weird guy, but we warmed up to each other soon after.insert horrific fact here:3/4 of the pupils in my class were originally from the gifted programme in RGS, so i'm a tad stressed, to put it mildly. But i'm trying not to be too conscious of that fact now and just try my best.Recieved my first set of tutorial notes yesterday, and tried to start on it after seeing some pple in class attempting too, however, efforts proved futile, as did not have a clue to what "irrational inequalities" are.
Another wonderful thing about HC, the students there sincerely love the sch,and it's visible thru their actions, like when they cheer n stuff.We always make jokes about HC's communist and fascist-like practises.e.g, our school song contains the lyrics "glory to our motherland"(anyone who knows singapore's history will know that Hc used to be a communist pothole for students and teachers brainwashed by chairman mao).Hilarious,really.
I so wanna join the debate team, but almost all the members have some form of prior training/experience in debate, nevertheless,determined to try.The people there are so funny, including our faculty(fac) head, Andre, whom the whole fac worships.i mean, all the various fac heads(science, arts, so on) are like superstars in sch, v glam really. I can't think of another analogy aside fr this one: they're like F4 in that teenybopper show, where the whole sch practically idolises them, although it's not sooo exaggerated in HC n there no negative connotaions...A really cool guy in my class is like my new gay best friend.I mean, he's SOOO cool..We discuss cute guys,and stuff(he walks with this cute feminine sway, not unlike yang xiong in Holland V).Once, i passed a comment about a girl who just walked past being v pretty, he stared at me straight in the eye n said:"Do i look like i'm straight to you?"That sealed it...He was like:"I'm 70% gay you know?" Plus, he's a top student from RI, which makes him elevated to genius status in my book, shall consult him for maths c. Another girl from Anderson is pretty fun, though she's sometimes on the quiet side, which is ok for me...One creepy thing is that, there's this guy fr my next door class who looks eerily like my bro.(enuff said, nah, just kidding, don't really know him yet)
All in all, Hc really rocks and (morph into bimbo mode) "I SO DON'T WANNA LEAVE,I MEAN LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN?!?!?" Rock on.

Monday, January 05, 2004

eeks, tag board at such a horrible place! Ah well, shall not fret. Have been wanting to watch Love me if u dare n scary movie 3..haha, i know the latter is sort of a no brainer, but i saw the previews and it seemed really funny.What's the harm in enjoying occassional slapstick and gross humor anyway? School today was non-happening, filled with talks on codes and decorum."How to behave oneself when in the sacred premises of Hwa Chong". sheesh.The sense and sexuality talk was usual, can't believe we girls still giggle whenever we hear about BGR. Don't know how the boys reacted though, since we were separated for the talk.Parents sat me down during dinner today, and asked in full solemnity,"Do you know what sex is?" Well, i charged ahead and assured them that i would "concentrate on my studies wholly and not think sinful thoughts". Heard enough from my father about how marriage sucks to know. Anyway, can't wait till the actual orietation starts's going to be so fun!!
oh yes, thing i said to my brother when he tried to act as a smartass wisecracking, but failed terribly,as usual: "Sarcasm is the evil twin of wit, tis a pity then, that you are not even related." I know it sounds childish, but,truth be told, i'm quite pleased w myself.Oh!!!For Pete's sake, you are now in jc 1 and should not be bickering w ta anymore.

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Sunday, January 04, 2004

aha, anyone who has ever read If by Rudyard Kipling shld so read What If by Benjamin Zephaniah. It is HILAROUS.
Check out the 1st stanza:

If you can keep your money when governments all around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.
If you can trust your neighbours when they trust not you. And they can be very nosy too.
If you can await the warm delights of summer
Then summer comes and goes with sun not seen.
And pay so much for drinking water
Knowing that the water is unclean.

that is one funny parody...
anyways, feeling idle lately, and have not really awoken from month long slumber. Tis true then, when they say that the ultimate goal of the busy is to be idle. Believe you me when i say so.
Don't really want the mugging to start so soon, but best to drill it in my thick skull now that an EDUCATION IS OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE!!Just read in the papers tt teens are v materialistic (tell me something i don't know). topping their wish list (quote): marry a super (x 20) rich man No kidding, these were the exact words...
Alas, who is then left to mourn for the solidarity of the penniless pauper. (but as the fairy tale goes has a heart of gold blah blah blah.)

Saturday, January 03, 2004

Ah! Finally created my own blog thingy, thought it was going to take hours, but to pleasant surprise, only used up 3 mins of my (precious) time.

Anyway, first day of jc yesterday was awful, had a skull-splitting headache yesterday which made it extremely painful to smile,talk,think,listen,breathe at the same time. I think the headache was caused by the heat or an overdose of adrenaline, but my mum offered another diagnosis-excessive consumption of alcohol. I mean, c'mon, it was only 1/2 a glass of wine on New Year's Eve.
Unfortunately, I think I sounded unconvincingly friendly to the ppl at HCJC..The first fifteen mins of arrival were absoulutely terrifying, the only Crescentian down there, and I stuck out like a sore thumb in my yellow uniform. It is during times like these that I curse the moron who made the uniform so translucent. Another peeve: my weird name, I had to repeat my name at least twice everytime during self-introductions, somehow,pple always mistake it for Hongwei, or Kongwei or something ghastly sounding...Thank Goodness I found some other girls who were alone as well, super nice bunch they are, and I think the competetiveness is mostly restricted to the science pple. Am now feeling ambivalent about being either a Historian or a Geographer, but leaning slightly towards Geography, considering the fact that I was a Geog student in Sec sch. Seroiusly hope Monday will be better. Or at least stupid headache will subside.Determined to have a blast at JC, and will not let irritating bodily malfunctions hinder my plans.