Wee Keong, sharing about his wife, Joyce during her birthday celebration:
Mushy Quote No 1:
"I always say, if I did not marry her, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now." (serving as an awesome leader in church!)
Even Mushier Quote No 2:
"I always ask my wife, "Are you an Angel?", Scarly on the deathbed reveal to me that she's not human, but an angel."
My goodness, can't believe that these 2 have been married for more than TEN years and each day they grow more in love with one another. It's amazing what a relationship built on the foundations of Christ can mature into.
Heh, I know it's way too early to even start thinking about it, but hopefully my marriage will be one filled with as much joy and love as theirs.
Uh, ok, feel abit funny for having that thought because I am right smack in the middle of EXAMS.
Gah, for now, my only love interest shall be Berenson the Amazing Statistician :) (3rd Edition, 2005)