Made the mistake of baking the cookies till they were slightly brown. While they tasted absolutely delectable when they first popped out of the oven, the moisture has since evaporated and the cookies are now a tad hard to bite into. Well, a lesson learned for the next round of culinary adventures in Blk 232 Westwood Ave ;p
It's been a relatively good week, save from the initial grief at David's passing, but I've now come to accept it. Helped that we were all mentally prepared for the worst for a couple of weeks now. Nonetheless, I'm sure our brother is now enjoying far more exquisite delicacies in heaven. The rest of us will have to be contented with TW's chocolate cinnamon cookies. :)
Went to watch "Stardust" with the Bizaders last night, and I have to say that it's a Fantastic movie! Reminds me of why I love Gaiman so much. Am now lusting after the novel because I'm dead certain it will be eons better - all of Gaiman's subtle humour that cannot be translated onto the cinema screen will be made apparent on the humble pages. But for now, it will just have to be on my reading list, after I complete my current fixation "Cloud Atlas" (which is quietly hilarious and a really good period adventure/murder mystery/tragicomedy all rolled into one.) Anyway. Back to Stardust. Yavine was absolutely gorgeous, but what I relished most was Robert De Niro's turn as a gay pirate. Woot! Arrr! (I guess you'd have to watch it to get the joke ;p) Michelle Pfeiffer was suitably evil as the witch consumed by her vanity and the rest of the supporting cast were all pretty up to par.
Friday was movie marathon for me. After watching Stardust at Vivocity GV, I came back to my room in hall, snuggled up with a tub of BnJ's (strawberry cheescake!) and watched "Elizabeth". Also set in the Tudor times, but this movie had a totally different tone. Cate Blanchett was mindblowing as the titular Queen, and Geoffrey Rush chilled me as her scheming but loyal advisor. Bloody murders galore, double espionage, accusations of heresy, assassinations and high treason - very action packed Elizabethan drama, led by a very manly Queen. (Oooh, a memorable line: "I may be only a woman, but I am my father's daughter and if I so choose I can have the heart of a man." - imagine Blanchett's steely grace and baritone...*shiver*) Now I'm all psyched up to watch the sequel "Elizabeth: The Golden Age", which chronicles her reign, since the first one was about her ascension to the throne.
So, 2 very good movies back to back, managed to get my Finance done, now working on my UWC paper. Am doing a paper on "The Rise of the Prosperity Gospel: Faith and the Promise of Conspicuous Consumption", focusing on New Cr***ion Church in Singpapore. Must constantly remind self to remain objective and neutral. Definitely learning alot from the research, and just listening to some of the sermons scares me a bit. Something's a bit warped about their doctrine, and it's a bit suspicious that I can't seem to dig up any information on their founder Jose*h Prince (is that even his real name?). But ohwell, helps to strengthen my conviction on certain things. If you can't learn from their example, then at least learn from their mistakes.
Whoa, look at the time, better get back to my essay. :p
It's been a relatively good week, save from the initial grief at David's passing, but I've now come to accept it. Helped that we were all mentally prepared for the worst for a couple of weeks now. Nonetheless, I'm sure our brother is now enjoying far more exquisite delicacies in heaven. The rest of us will have to be contented with TW's chocolate cinnamon cookies. :)
Went to watch "Stardust" with the Bizaders last night, and I have to say that it's a Fantastic movie! Reminds me of why I love Gaiman so much. Am now lusting after the novel because I'm dead certain it will be eons better - all of Gaiman's subtle humour that cannot be translated onto the cinema screen will be made apparent on the humble pages. But for now, it will just have to be on my reading list, after I complete my current fixation "Cloud Atlas" (which is quietly hilarious and a really good period adventure/murder mystery/tragicomedy all rolled into one.) Anyway. Back to Stardust. Yavine was absolutely gorgeous, but what I relished most was Robert De Niro's turn as a gay pirate. Woot! Arrr! (I guess you'd have to watch it to get the joke ;p) Michelle Pfeiffer was suitably evil as the witch consumed by her vanity and the rest of the supporting cast were all pretty up to par.
Friday was movie marathon for me. After watching Stardust at Vivocity GV, I came back to my room in hall, snuggled up with a tub of BnJ's (strawberry cheescake!) and watched "Elizabeth". Also set in the Tudor times, but this movie had a totally different tone. Cate Blanchett was mindblowing as the titular Queen, and Geoffrey Rush chilled me as her scheming but loyal advisor. Bloody murders galore, double espionage, accusations of heresy, assassinations and high treason - very action packed Elizabethan drama, led by a very manly Queen. (Oooh, a memorable line: "I may be only a woman, but I am my father's daughter and if I so choose I can have the heart of a man." - imagine Blanchett's steely grace and baritone...*shiver*) Now I'm all psyched up to watch the sequel "Elizabeth: The Golden Age", which chronicles her reign, since the first one was about her ascension to the throne.
So, 2 very good movies back to back, managed to get my Finance done, now working on my UWC paper. Am doing a paper on "The Rise of the Prosperity Gospel: Faith and the Promise of Conspicuous Consumption", focusing on New Cr***ion Church in Singpapore. Must constantly remind self to remain objective and neutral. Definitely learning alot from the research, and just listening to some of the sermons scares me a bit. Something's a bit warped about their doctrine, and it's a bit suspicious that I can't seem to dig up any information on their founder Jose*h Prince (is that even his real name?). But ohwell, helps to strengthen my conviction on certain things. If you can't learn from their example, then at least learn from their mistakes.
Whoa, look at the time, better get back to my essay. :p