Sunday, February 25, 2007


We celebrated dear Vanessa's birthday yesterday. The whole campus gathered at Raffles Hotel for an awesome time of fellowship. Heh, the sisters managed to squeeze a few tears from our august leader after all the sharing. Anyway, I'm really thankful to have her as a small group leader, where I can feel like I can tell her anything, and she'll be there to lend a listening ear. She really loves the ministry and everyone in it, even though we may not be all that lovable at times. (yeahyeah, self-admittedly).

Anyway, had a packed day today, had a great time visiting the cousins. Karen is getting bigger by the day, and I'm so excited about the new baby (potentially a nephew. wheeee!) It was nice just to spend time with the extended family, talking about nothing in particular, catching up with one another. Hm, I really do want to hang out with the cousins more, since they're mostly working and can afford the time, I suppose it 's up to me to take the initiative. I promise to make time for them during the break. (Heh, I kinda have my activities planned out: to the roads of Singapore, look out!)

Ok, been trying to stay on top of my work, which has been going on the way I suppose one expects work to go. I've forgotten the feeling of intense mugging, but oh well.

I've been thinking of a new blog name, and I contemplated "riversidegirl", just to "gek" (there really is no proper English word for this!!) Marilyn the lakesidegirl, except that there's no river nearby and I don't live close to any romantically scenic water bodies, save the Sheares Hall pond. :X heh.