eeks, tag board at such a horrible place! Ah well, shall not fret. Have been wanting to watch Love me if u dare n scary movie 3..haha, i know the latter is sort of a no brainer, but i saw the previews and it seemed really funny.What's the harm in enjoying occassional slapstick and gross humor anyway? School today was non-happening, filled with talks on codes and decorum."How to behave oneself when in the sacred premises of Hwa Chong". sheesh.The sense and sexuality talk was usual, can't believe we girls still giggle whenever we hear about BGR. Don't know how the boys reacted though, since we were separated for the talk.Parents sat me down during dinner today, and asked in full solemnity,"Do you know what sex is?" Well, i charged ahead and assured them that i would "concentrate on my studies wholly and not think sinful thoughts". Heard enough from my father about how marriage sucks to know. Anyway, can't wait till the actual orietation starts's going to be so fun!!
oh yes, thing i said to my brother when he tried to act as a smartass wisecracking, but failed terribly,as usual: "Sarcasm is the evil twin of wit, tis a pity then, that you are not even related." I know it sounds childish, but,truth be told, i'm quite pleased w myself.Oh!!!For Pete's sake, you are now in jc 1 and should not be bickering w ta anymore.