Monday, April 30, 2007

Just finished the dreaded IT1801 paper. Gahhh. Well, at least it's finally over and done with. One more Statistics paper and I'll be done with my Freshman year. (!!!!)

Before you know it, I'll be graduating and working and getting married and giving birth and and becoming a grandparent and retiring.

Do you sometimes feel life is too short, yet too long - all at once?


Tons of things to do after the exams, and I don't mean general goals of lying in bed watching TV, (though that is definitely on the list) but I mean things to be done with immediate emergency, like pack up all my stuff to move out of my lovely A316, unpack everything in new home in Lakeside (haven't even seen the place), finish up draft for Rag, delegate work so I don't get murdered by Pehsident, spend time with family, then pack everything and leave for the airport. All to be done within TWO days.

Ok, if you guys want anything specific from LA/San Fran, send me your list, heh.

"You will keep in perfect peace, him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You" Isa 26:3

Thanks Hui Xian for the reminder(:

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Wee Keong, sharing about his wife, Joyce during her birthday celebration:

Mushy Quote No 1:

"I always say, if I did not marry her, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now." (serving as an awesome leader in church!)

Even Mushier Quote No 2:
"I always ask my wife, "Are you an Angel?", Scarly on the deathbed reveal to me that she's not human, but an angel."

My goodness, can't believe that these 2 have been married for more than TEN years and each day they grow more in love with one another. It's amazing what a relationship built on the foundations of Christ can mature into.

Heh, I know it's way too early to even start thinking about it, but hopefully my marriage will be one filled with as much joy and love as theirs.

Uh, ok, feel abit funny for having that thought because I am right smack in the middle of EXAMS.

Gah, for now, my only love interest shall be Berenson the Amazing Statistician :) (3rd Edition, 2005)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Whee. Caught in the middle of a full on essay crisis. Funny, it's been a while since I had one. (I'm definitely not saying that I miss it though!) I'm currently totally blank about what to write to fill up the 3 pages, but I refuse to go all existential and uh, basically crazy.

Was up till almost 4 am last night wringing my brains out, it's really terrible to have to be bothered with this essay during reading week, but I guess I have no one to blame but myself. Was dozing off when I received a call from Qing. Although I was half concussed, and not making any sense over the phone, I thought it was sweet:) Someone's awake at this unearthly hour and bothers to call to tell me to switch off the lights, heh.

So, what do people generally think of Transnational Flows and Social Diversity in Singapore?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Isn't it absolutely thrilling how I only blog during pre-exam periods? I swear the very feeling of refusal to do ANY sort of productive academic-related work will drive me to indulge in all sorts of nonsensical things.

I've got to admit that blog-surfing must be the no 1 time-wasting activity that I frequently indulge in. And I hardly even know some of these people!-_-''

Well, in some attempt to justify myself, I suppose it's a good way of keeping up with friends( albeit a bit too one-sided and stalkerish for my liking) you don't see that often.

In other news, I've decided to extend my trip to the US by one week and just take some time to travel around the area. Will be traveling with a couple of other strangers, so hurrah for my bravery and edgy spontaneity! So far, nothing is planned, but I've engaged Ant to do a spot of itinerary planning for me, so I won't be totally clueless when I get there. Am hoping to be able to link up with disciples from either the LA church or the Bay Area church. Who knows? Maybe I won't have to worry so much about accommodation, heh ;p

Had a really intense bible study with one of my oldest friends yesterday. I was feeling alot, but I didn't know how to encourage her or put my thoughts into words, and I'm especially afraid that I'll say the wrong thing and shoot myself in the foot. Dear: I just want to let you know that J, V and I will be here for you! Please don't turn us away.

I'm really thankful for the disciplers that I've had, and I know that at times, I haven't been appreciative enough of them, taking them for granted. And in doing so, taking God for granted because it was He who put these wonderful people in my life. I think being focused on God will help me keep away all other distractions.

Whoa, I actually think I managed to motivate myself a little after blogging!
Thank you blog for allowing me a space to reflect and refocus!

"Never allow anything to divert you from your insight into Christ. It is the true test of spirituality. To be unspiritual means that other things have a growing fascination for you"-Oswald Chambers

Pray that I'll always remember that.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Whee! Am excited. Will be flying off from 7 May to 20 May to Stanford for the Summer Programme. Promise to blog more about it soon(: In the meantime, study hard for the exams! My favourite examination-related verse:

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Heb 12:1

And this made me cry yesterday-


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Oh man, this is classic, Alanis Morrisette is a genius.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Am mourning the loss of semblance of normal appearance. Hair is asymmetrical from all angles and fringe is a sharply defined staircase across my forehead. Sides are in the shape of a jagged bowl. The look is "village-idiot decides to go glam". Vaguely traumatized.

Photoshoot was relatively fun in the beginning, was feeling pampered having 6 people attending to me. Then all the hoity toity glee disappeared two hours into the process. I spent (no kidding) nine hours in the salon inhaling ammonia and having my face painted into a "chocolate tone".

What I initially thought was a simple shoot with me smiling into the camera for 30 mins max turned into a marathon photoshoot. They were aiming to have my skin colour and hair colour match. Goodness, we even shot a couple of poses against a similarly coloured wall, and I seriously blended into the brown wall.

Now have to contend with browless state cos they lasy shaved off half my brows. Will have to rely on brow pencil for the next couple of weeks. Amazing invention, the brow pencil.

Henceforth stops my experimentation with avant garde hairstyles.