Saturday, December 10, 2005
Saturday, October 22, 2005

(Bitte - nicht so schnell! = Please - not so fast (drive slowly))
OMG... can't believe this is an actual place in Austria. Imagine putting this in my tourism essay. (negative externalities of sex tourism eh.)
anyway, been worrying about bibs (my cutestfurrywurrydoggiewogie) lately, there seems to something wrong with his right eye, and he looks as if he's squinting all the time. Oh no, this is very bad, but he's not that old (only 10) but everyone says they usually live till 15-16. I'll give it a few days, but if his condition's still not improving, it's off to the vet's...
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Argh, it started off ominously, I couldn't really understand what she was saying because of her accent, so when she asked me if I was the last of Mr White's little lambs (ie the last Geoger of the day), I heard "Have you tried any of Mr W's little lambs," which I of course thought was an appreciative tribute to Mr W's culinary skills, so I almost told her all about the chocolate fudge brownies he baked us last week. Fortunately I stopped myself in time and deciphered her question properly enough.
Then she asked me the inevitable Friendly Social Question ("Where would you most like to visit?"), to which I chamged my choice destination THREE times. 1. Africa (then I realised it wasn't a country) 2. Kenya (then I realised I forgot the name of the tribe I wanted to visit) 3. Peru (because it has 28 out of the 32 available climates!)
Following that, she asked me about solving the aging population problem, which was okay, I suppose, but then she asked me why I would want to solve it. So I gave her the standard quip about how sensitive jobs in the political arena and the military should be taken up by Singaporeans. AND THEN -ahem- she accused me of being xenophobic. (!!!BADBAD) So there was this small silence where I frantically tried to save myself, while she went on about "how sewn up our society was", how "PAP (she pronounced it pap) has killed off the opposition," and the" ideal solution would be to kill off everyone aged above 65." In comes horrible joke about recurring costs of burial and funerals.
It goes further downhill-
We went on to talk about The Article (this arcane piece on "Fossils of Quadrupeds"). (AAAAArghhhh)
I didn't really know where to start, so I just gave a summary, and stupidly started talking about Paleoclimatology--> global warming and how skeptics question it, to which she said "Global warming? My foot" (I'm not kidding, those were her exact words), to which I laughed weakly in response and said "So I see you're a Skeptic".
Then she started on this truism "the absence of evidence is the evidence of absence", and she asked me whether the author agreed with the statement. ARghhh. badbad. She had to ask me the question 3x before I gave her the specifics.
I was absolutely freaked out by now, so her constant pausing to cough made me all the more nervous (were my answers so shockingly absurd as to induce a coughing fit?!?!). Then she asked me about a giant mammal found in Madagascar (homoflorenscian or something) and I didn't anything about it!!!!! ("So the debate is, are these creatures a new species of quadrupeds, or were they merely suffering from island dwarfism 20000 years ago?" omgddddd)
I think by this time she was kinda fed up, so she said, "Alright, now, do you have any questions for me?" Diediediedie. Intelligent Question Thinking Time suddenly sprang up, and I wasn't prepared to leap into fluvial geomorphology, so I asked her about some lame thing regarding conducting a census of the ocean, and whether she believed in the existence of exotic, undiscovered species on earth. Then she told me about some giant squid they found off the coasts of Africa or sth.
Her parting words: "Go find out more about those homoflorenscians."
And no I do not feel any better.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Must Not Panic.
Dr B Kennedy
Summary - Fluvial geomorphology, history of geomorphological and geological thought.
A fluvial geomorphologist by training, Dr. Kennedy's research in that field has moved from valley asymmetry to river networks in general and the role of tributary junction in particular. In parallel with this, she has become increasingly interested in the historical development of ideas about landscapes and land forms, especially valleys, since the Eighteenth Century. Her work at present is focussed upon Charles Darwin's experience of valley forms during the Beagle voyage and the significance of his Patagonian and Chilean travels.
-ohno, i'm too young and ignorant to face such brilliance.-
should i shake her hand? but everyone tells me i have sweaty palms when i get stressed, and tmr, make no mistake, tw WILL "get stressed", to put it mildly.
Somebody please help me. I think i might need to see a doctor for some of those pills hz n k have been popping. seems to have done them ALOT of good :x me want some tooooo.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Monday, October 03, 2005

anyway, just found that that there's not going to be any lessons on tues and wed, cos the tutors haven't finished marking - this break is lasting waaayy longer than i thought it would/should. arghh, can't regain my mugging momentum, so am a bit worried about that. have been relatively happy and carefree for the past few days, cos of, well yeah, the extended break and of course because i have yet to know my results (except for math and gp). heh, so have been spending time watching movies, eating, shopping, lounging around (semi-stylishly :X)
but sending off huixin and co last week brought me much grief. sigh but that has been discussed to DEATH. haha, shuki, risse and i were so depressed after that and worrying about econs, but mr b has *benevolently* decided to drag out our anxiety.
anyway, wanted to blog about "city of god", cos it's a freakin gooood movie. damn sad though, i actually cried a number of times, esp when i saw all these kids (apparently, none of them are professional actors, and they're mostly real ppl pulled out from Rio de Janeiro) shooting and killing with guns bigger than they are. urg, extremely disturbing. and i cried when Benny, (without doubt my favourite gangster-he's kinda cute n v funny, ok, i know i'm trivialising the film but he's cute what...) died after being mistakenly shot by some hoodlum.
the show's based on a true story (originally a novel written by Paulo Lins) about gun/drug gangs in the slums of Rio and the constant power tussle between the lords. the cinematography is fantastic and everything looks so grimy and real. there were times i forgot i was watching a movie, cos it seemed so much like a documentary. the angles are alternately subtle and in your face, and there's an added layer of narration from the central charac, who's an aspiring photographer, so the story is told partly through his lenses.
I was remembering all the facts we learnt abt Rio in Geog last year, as one of the main case studies of slums and sqatter settlements in ELDCs, and i realised how different it actually is in the movie. our notes tell us of all the govt plans to provide cheap mass housing, electricity, jobs etc for the people, with only passing mention of the deep rooted corruption that is so much a part of reality. the situation of the brazilian middleclass sounds really bad, but it 's alot worse for those living in the periphery. everyone is hooked on drugs and it's the only livelihood for many of them, cos we all know that peddling drugs brings decent money in a town where the drug lords make the laws. (it's actually constuctive in a thwarted way cos the drug lords ensure law and order so they don't attract the attention of the cops, which leaves them to carry out their business without interference.) almost everyone in the movie talks about "getting out of here someday". the cynic in me says that sounds like Davies wanting to get to Sidcup, and that there will always be shattered dreams but i better not be too dismissive, cos i just might be at the wrong end of the stick :X cynicism is too much of a luxury right now.
yes, will enjoy last few moments of peace before pandemonium breaks loose when my maid returns to manila for 2 weeks and i start receiving my papers back.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
quite depressing, especially when others are doing cool stuff like Ian McEwan, JM Coetzee etc, but i don't know much about their work, so, yes, am reduced to a bout of whining and self-pitying. but i do think i read quite considerably, it's just that i don't really absorb all the complex intricacies and Themes/Concerns of the books. I just read them y'know? As a result, i can remember that I've read the book, I can remember if i liked it or not, but i have no clue as to discussing it at an academic level. Plus i just can't crap enough to link and cross-reference them properly. (imagine cross referencing jeanette winterson and Koc...hmm, actually, i do see a sort of semblance, with jw's lesbos and the possible suppressed homosexual desire edmund has for kingshaw..hey, i might not be that hopeless afterall...) argh, am panicking, but not quite. (it's another sort of brooding and brewing sort of panic)
and haven't been writing in a long time, sigh, can't seem to start again. (it's kinda like exercising :x)
BUT, am muchly looking forward to traditional class fishing outing on tues, heh, still remember the trip last year, and HZ actually going home to cook our catch (: i hate (most) fish though, can't stand the taste, so when she brought these yummy looking fried things that looked like macdonalds fish fillets, i characteristically stuffed one in, but immediately spat it out, and i saw glimpses of silver and almost vomitted. would have been quite funny though-- imagine the new hwa chong insignia: a brown girl, holding a brown fish, projectile vomitting brown liquid, all very colour co-ordinated and etc.
argh, perpetually stuck in state of Existential Panic. people have been commenting that those 2 have become my favourite words of late, hah, but i think i shall reduce my usage of them, cos i want to preserve some of their oomph. :)
i usually have tons of crap to talk about here, but today, am strangely at a loss for words, but just felt like blogging anyway, probably cos i spent the last hour blog surfing :x eeps, i know, feel guilty.
Daddy's birthday is on tues! so, am happy that i'll be free from mugging to celebrate it with him, will be getting a nice prezzie for him from the whole family, so the budget has inflated quite considerably :p <3 him alot though he often gripes (jokingly i hope) about me being fat, lazy, stupid, unfilial -- did i mention i was getting him a present....
ok whatever, shall definitely blog more tmr when the plug from my throat is pulled out by the Post-Prelim Goddess. wth, how am i supposed to write 3 passable essays like that!?!?!?
Friday, September 09, 2005
oh man, they make me cry
Fistful of Love
I was lying in my bed last night staring
At a ceiling full of stars
When it suddenly hit me
I just have to let you know how I feel
We live together in a photograph of time
I look into your eyes
And the seas open up to me
I tell you I love you
And I always will
And I know that you can't tell me
So I'm left to pick up
The hints, the little symbols of your devotion
I feel your fists
And I know it's out of love
And I feel the whip
And I know it's out of love
I feel your burning eyes burning holes
Straight through my heart
It's out of love
I accept and I collect upon my body
The memories of your devotion
Cripple and the Starfish
Mr. Muscle forcing bursting
Stingy thingy into little me, me, me
But just "ripple" said the cripple
As my jaw dropped to the ground
Smile smile
It's true I always wanted love to be
And it's true I always wanted love to be
Filled with pain
And bruises
Yes, so Cripple-Pig was happy
Screamed " I just compeletely love you!
And there's no rhyme or reason
I'm changing like the seasons
Watch! I'll even cut off my finger
It will grow back like a Starfish!
It will grow back like a Starfish!
It will grow back like a Starfish!"
Mr. Muscle, gazing boredly
And he checking time did punch me
And I sighed and bleeded like a windfall
Happy bleedy, happy bruisy
I am very happy
So please hit me
I am very happy
So please hurt me
I am very happy
So please hit me
I am very very happy
So come on hurt me
I'll grow back like a Starfish
I'll grow back like a Starfish
I'll grow back like a Starfish
I'll grow back like a Starfish
I'll grow back like a Starfish
I'll grow back like a Starfish
I'll grow back like a Starfish
I'll grow back like a Starfish
Like a Starfish...
Ode To Jay Chou's Fantasy Album (in my opinion, the best fecking mandarin album i own)
Year of purchase:2002
Location: Pirated cd shack in Hong Kong
IT'S easy listening, and i know all the lyrics by heart, his mumbling has attached itself irrevocably in a comfortable cranial corner (awwyeah, alliteration) you just flow with his music, and it's like listening to an old friend musing about life. i'm never bored of this album (i should know, i listen to it almost everynight). In fact, zhoudong eradicates boredom, you are suddenly not that tired anymore. the arrangement of the songs show a flow that mirrors the mugging process.
first you start out wistful, hopeful,(ai zai xi yuan jian~love before the western era, or sth liddat) then you start getting a bit frustrated, vindictive (the anti-mother-basher rap opus ba, wo hui lai le~ ahpa, i'm home). But you start to mellow, trying to convince yourself that it's all v simple (jian dan ai~simple love). you persevere as the night drags on (ren zhe~the tolerant's difficult to translate the sublime poeticism of jay;p)you enter a period of existential panic as you realise that the fecking prelims are 3 days away, you ask fundamental questions about your existence, but you find out that (kai bu liao kou~my mouth cannot open) all you yearn for is to hark back to a simpler era (shanghai 1943) but you're suddenly reminded of all the blessings of the 21st century, and you feel slightly embarrassed about your incessant whining (dui bu qi~sorry la) the witching hours are the hardest to deal with (wei lian gu bao~the old castle with witches) you start hallucinating about macbeth's ghosts etc (no kidding)the climax is approaching! you psyche yourself up with a high-energy nanchaku flinging number (shuang jie gun~nanchaku). the end is nearing, the dawn is dawning you feel a sense of accomplishment from reading 2pgs of sloman, and you retire to sleeeep (an jing~quiet).
Right, that was my incoherent ode to mah homeboy jay chou. <3 him
ok, am off to listen to jay (:
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Han: So there's this cool james bond villain with a metal jaw and he goes around eating ppl
Nurul: how cool!!
Tong Wei: hey nurul, aren't you only supposed to eat halal food? but men are not halal
risse, shuki: omg, that was classic
Tw: i'm losing it
Ian: yo wanna go kap to muggg?
Tw: no, it's damn late and i wanna go home. how abt tmr? a couple of us are mugging at orchard
I: no lar, i can't mug outside one
N: I'm so not a pink person, it's so bimbotic
Tw: no lar, you look quite sweet in pink! and bimbos are Babes In Total Control of Themselves!
N: er, that's a bitch dear
(i hope the sublime comedy is apparent. heh)
while watching a hot wushu babe practising her swordplay
I: man, she should just stay at home and cook
Tw: or she cld come right up and impale you with her xiaolongniu skills
Joel: A Wife is a useful thing to have
All: rrrighttt
J: see, she can be used to Wash, Iron, Fuck, Etc
Joel (again): hey, what to gays do when they fight?
Tw: what
J: they exchange blows
omggg, we're all dying, and seniors all leaving soon/have already left. feeling a tad desperate.
Friday, August 19, 2005
tong si then said: "then why waste money applying?"
right, thanks alot for the vote of confidence.
i suppose only self-doubt is tolerable.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Oh yeah, so apparently the whole film issue is now settled, cos we have sammysam sim who has emerged as filmsoc’s saviour. And what’s even cooler is that she makes a waayy better film v. head than pw-obsessed sl. Yes, it was truly a blessing in disguise. To think that sam didn’t run initially cos she was afraid of all the competition from the other elects. Now sl can screw off and bury herself in peeedubbb..ok will stop harping on the fact that she thinks pw’s better than actually having a cca.
In other news, we celebrated junyong’s birthday today, albeit being a bit late, but all the better, cos he was caught totally unexpected when we burst out with all the party poppers and related shit. Stuffed our faces with cake and GLORIOUS peanuts (: in a tribute to junyong’s nuttiness and his unforgettable peanut joke (ni men hen huasheng lehhh~ you guys are nuts) yayy, <3>
Btw, wasabi nuts are freaking funky lar, they make your nose so bad, but I guess that’s why some pple enjoy SM. (ohman, I did not just say that) haha, shld stop inventing weird allusions abt foos, I remember a particularly cringe worthy one abt erotic berries on zing’s b-day cake (they BURST in your mouth:) ok, am turning into a bawdy fool, and “ignorant as dirt!”
Talking abt which, we had a Peanut War after finishing the cake, which basically involved the peeps split along gender lines and throwing peanuts at each other. Sounds inane, but I assure you it was totally fun. Felt like I was back in orientation 04 again. Oman, sigh, can’t believe all this is going to end. I <3>
Well, was all in good fun. Oh right, we, no the guys were attempting to strip the birthday boy, when the attention inexplicably turned to ian. I don’t have a clue as to why, but ian has always been a favourite stripee object, haha. Funniest thing was when han chased ian all the way to Chinese high (er, that’s a pretty long way off, if you ask me), he got caught by some anal retentive teacher for running around and grabbing other boys (I suspect this is some underground clamp down on all homosexual activity in tchs…ooohhh) anyway, han landed his “lily-white Indonesian ass” (in his own words, mind you) in CS (corrective service for the uninitiated:p). we all had a good laugh abt it..heh
And there’s ld exco jts tmr!! Yay!! It’s at some posh place that our resident taitai keith picked out, called Merchant’s Court in Swissotel, and there’s buffet. Heh, keith’s so considerate(: oh no, am gaining weight like crazy, but hopefully I’ll be able to shed it all off at the end of the yr or sth (hey, I was at my skinniest post o’s and prom time) oh yeah.
Hmm, apparently xiaxue’s blog was hacked into, and all the 12 blogs and gmail account were hacked into. Singapore’s bona fide bog queen has just gotten jacked, but hopefully she’ll be back bigger and better. Cos she’s such a guilty bimbotic pleasure… heh
Right, better stop wasting so much time playing and start doing some proper work.
well, let's see, the decision where you simultaneously jacked 354646 ppl and any hopes of the cca functioning properly. she hasn't even started doing anything and she's already quitting. and amazingly, after she finally comprehended my question, she provided a couple of reasons, one of which includes PW. seriously, WTF?!?!?
am hyperventilating with rage now. wth did she even run in the first place. wisely refrained from calling her and stuck to using sms instead, cos i'm pretty sure i would have shouted some unpleasant stuff. following which, i would probably be decapitated by her despot of a father. (ok, am really pissed now...arghhh)
will talk to her nicely tmr and try not to place her in WWF style headlock.
good grief....PW?!?! and i found out that she doesn't even have any other ccas.fine, she can remain an unparticipative, irresponsible, souless vacuum for all i care.
just really heartbroken that the club's gonna be interuppted cos of some uninitiated little twerp who decided to stand for elections just to see if she could get the post or sth. in retrospect, this makes all her earnestness at the interview so artificial.sigh. whatever, i'm sure gina can handle this :)
proof that abandoning the PEARLS system was a bad idea, cos now plenty of pple think ccas are no longer important. ok am getting incoherent.
arghh, am in no mood to do s lit presentation, which is tmr. oh no.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
can't believe that more than half a year is gone. arghhh, jc life is ending. i wanna start all over again, and i promise not to slack so much ;)
ok, really blogging just to kill time, cos i haven't got any angsty shit to pour out, but i've been surfing blogs, as usual, and ickleoriental's seemingly perfect life is sooo cute! she's in her twenties, has a deccent career as a journalist or something, has a cool "hubba"- some ex national sportsman. ok, being reallly sadd, cos i've nothing better to do. meeting a couple of friends at tea party tmr, so that should be cool. :) oh yeaahh, piggg out.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
spent yesterday bumming (aside from the first 3 hrs of torture in the morning) went to ian's house to watch a movie..heheh, being the cheapos that we are, we refused to fork out bloody 9 bucks for a movie, so we watched truman's show, which was pretty brilliant. i didn't cringe at jim carrey for a single moment in the whole 2 hours, so that was quite a record :) oh no, i think i'm turning into one of those vainglorious ppl who think they're above good ol' toilet humour :) heh. stuffed myself sick with pizza/pasta and gained all the weight that i lost during blocks mugging period-in the span of a SINGLE meal -_- carbs are EVIL !
ian's house rocks, and his room is really cute, cos his mummy buys him all these inspirational posters and he has them all over the room- "the strength inside you is the greatest strength of all" ,but his toilet paper was pretty creepy, they had pink flowers printed all over, haha. spent time talking cock and various gossipy shit. zing and i are both wallowing in our common ground-we're both loser tv junkies. haha, we'll watch anything, seriously. i proudly proclaim that i love channel 8. drama serials are strangely carthartic, and i am actually considering a career as a script writer. man, i'd have those aunties from toa payoh to jurong all tuned in.mediacorp will looove meee:) haha, am going a bit mad from all the tv watching- i counted-14 hours of tv today hoho. and waayy too many hahas. it's telling of my mental status whenever i repeat something too many times, haha.
then rushed home to change before heading out to meet sen n sherry for a concert at te third place. was expecting a whole slew of evangelical hymns, but was pleaseantly surprised. the band was cool, but it was the sharing that really meant somehting. :) those 2 girls were really brave to share something so intensely private with a couple of strangers, so kudos for their effort. i hope their faith never leaves them, cannot possibly imagine the devastation. but such things don't happen overnight, do they?
anyway, am beat, it's going to be a looong day tmr. have anthony's bbq thingy to look forward to!! haha, pig out session again:) life's gooood for now, and thank God:):):)
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
i feel like ripping up all her mini bikinis and halter tops and weird skimpy shit now. haha, i won't feel the pain, cos it's not like i can fit into those things anyway :/...owell, must stop being so whiny, on hindsight, i'm pretty spoilt myself. (ok, fine, this reflective, remorseful business isn't really working out)hmm, must learn how to deal with situations like this eg offer to save money by helping her sew her damn prom outfit or sth. thank goodness she thinks it's uncool to have it tailored, and has/will settle for a generic daniel yam thingy.
a week plus till blocks. quite scared cos haven't been too productive. watching waayyy too much tv. am trying to cut down on 7 pm drama serial, charmed, smallville, csi,friends reruns etcetc
hmm, on a slightly happier note, ld stuff's gonna end soon, so yay for that, just various admin loose ends to tie up now. film camp was alright i guess, really grateful to the pple who turned up, owell, it's our first time doing it, so admittedly it was a bit rough on the edges. kudos to sihui, shuhui, melvin,shumay,woes xi, keith, shuki, anna, sen etc for helping out. glad the kids (actually, i shld stop referring to them as kids, most of them are bigger than i am) enjoyed it. Mr Foo was cool, even though her brought some weird pirated copy of a movie and screwed up the video system abit.heh.
n sher's birthday is coming!:) here's an advanced happy birthday to u dear!!
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Saturday, April 23, 2005
SCUM Manifesto (Society for Cutting Up Men) was published by Valerie Solanas
Eaten up with guilt, shame, fears and insecurities and obtaining, if he's lucky, a barely perceptible physical feeling, the male is, nonetheless, obsessed with screwing; he'll swim a river of snot, wade nostril-deep through a mile of vomit, if he thinks there'll be a friendly pussy awaiting him. He'll screw a woman he despises, any snaggle-toothed hag, and furthermore, pay for the opportunity. Why? Relieving physical tension isn't the answer, as masturbation suffices for that. It's not ego satisfaction; that doesn't explain screwing corpses and babies.
Solanas argued throughout the entire book for the elimination of men:
- Retaining the male has not even the dubious purpose of reproduction. The male is a biological accident: the y(male) gene is an incomplete x(female) gene, that is, has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.
hmmm, and i thought germaine greer was disturbing enough, in comparison to solanas n dworkin (suitably ghastly name btw..), greer's like a kindly old lady...heh
plus it's damn sad, the way she (solanas) tried to kill andy warhol after he refused to produce her play "up your ass" about a man hating prostitue (in classic tradition of art imitating life--or is it the other way round?--nevermind, you get the gist--play was prob abt herself), and her gun jammed after a few shots. apparently she thought a.w. was a vampire, so she spray painted the bullets silver. she initially wanted to wrap the bullets in silver foil, but didn't do so cos she was afraid the gun would jam (which it still did anyway.) sigh.
but the amazing thing was, a.w. refused to testify against her even though he barely survived the murder attempt (he never recoverd fully). hmmm, what did he feel for her? admiration?pity?owells, am feeling bimbotic today, so probably will not ponder such deep thoughts.heh.
in other news, am planning to see mr b soon, but wanna wait for a private moment, cos i don't want him insulting me in fronmt of so many others, quite devastating. but i've mentally prepared myself for all the horrib,e things he's gonna say. mr white will probably be more comforting, but sometimes you need somene to slap you right across your face to wake you up. and stop you from watching all thoses meaningless, time-consuming tv programmes--tv is evilll!!! oman, what do i see on wu zong xian--he's not even funny, in fact, his humour is pretty tasteless..ugh, must stop obsession with reality tv n other similar celebrity-generated crap.
production is starting to overwhelm, and the real work hasn't even begun yet. sigh, mild resentment towards k, wish he wasn't so lazy n non-commital. argh, and have film camp stuff to fret over. so why am i still wasting time blogging?!?! or/and being serial blog-reader--j's blog is DISGUSTING btw... "harvard or yale??? my heart says yale, but my head says harvard" she's collecting all the entrance acceptances like trophies n depriving othes of a place. damn immoral la. why apply when you already have other plans? humph, ok, am being shamelessly jealous of her. n peck! luckylucky girl who flew off to stanford yesterday. hmm, hope she brings back interesting stuff :)
still don't get numerical mtds.
ok well, will go off swimming now.
edit/haha, as if....):
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Omg, was rofl at these poor dudes who have been conned into participating in this sad sack of a beauty pageant. Almost died when i saw the very conspicuous "Paya Lebar-Photo Not Available". Quite in anticipation of Mister Queenstown, but sadly he must have failed to make the cut. Which just goes to show what miserable people we have in fako ghetto land (think Queensway//Bronx:/)- I mean, what kind of pathetic hunk does one have to be to out-pout Mr. Toa Payoh and his bee stung smackers?!?! Mr Yishun positively looks like a computer-generated gigolo in Sims 5 or something. Mr Hougang has got to be the worst sod there, with his "I-wanna-be-a-black-eyed-pea" hair, I wouldn't be surprised if his previous residence was Queenstown (think of pseudo black street culture again).
ok, have not managed to wrangle some utility from insulting all these unknown people, whom i'm sure are decent guys in real life, but yeah, i'm just bored and in a foul mood.
am kinda looking forward to weekend (duh) cos there's humans party:) hmmm, seem to be pigging out every single weekend since christmas. not good for waistline.haven't excercised properly or prepared for nafa on mon, so am quite dead. plus have incomprehensible complex nos n utterly "huh?!?!" discrete r.v. to go figure out. plus all the usual econs and geog shit. argh, this is so sad, my life is so bitter. whine!!
on slightly happier note, there's all the pigging out n meeting with qing n sher going on this weeekend, sooo yayy:)
to sherry: any of these guys fit your wakeboarder/surfer profile? heh.
Monday, March 28, 2005
Scene at the park bench:
W: Would you like to come sit on my lap?
R: What?
W: I said would you like to sit on my lap?
R: No, no thank you.
(R's face starts to crumple)
My father always asks me to do that
W: Do you like sitting on his lap? do you like it when he asks you that?
R: (crying by now) No
W: does he tell you weird things and moves his legs in funny ways?
R: (continues weeping.)
R: would you still like me to sit on your lap? you know, cos i wouldn't mind.
W: no. no, it's alright. go home robin.
omgggg...kevin bacon is firggin good as walter, there're times when you wanna slap him upside down, yet you somehow accept that he's trying to change (with varying degrees of success, but the effort is commendable). ensemble cast was also vv good, even the side characters were memorable.
gahhh, wanna watch it again. heh, thank goodness we didn't go watch stage beauty or miss congeniality 2 (which han n nurul said sucked, btw.)
anyway, am in a laidback mood, and am determined to exercise a bit before major pigout session this weekend. (haven't found a stupid costume for the party yet, but i figure i'll just go as messed up corpse in brown sack. no need for much preparation there..)
also feeling a bit vindictive, cos joyce yap (ex fellow guide/ex-classmate from crescent) ripped off my cool msn nick. humph. but wth, this shows that my nicks rock. haha, even the ones that merely say tw. heheh. ok, am not making any sense here. but who cares, cos i'm happpyyyy:)
new musical discovery of the week: fiona apple!
am on a paperbag high. :)
Monday, March 07, 2005
qing: two of my seniors have set up a cool site peddaling their handmade earrings. it's quite a good idea, and theyeven have a page explaining the various modes of payment available. you n sher shld go check it out: :)
yep, owell. went for the uk uni talk on fri w sihui. spent most ofmytime there pigging out at the buffet table (damn, the chicken wings ran out real quickly...) the professors/administrators all sounded like tired otur guides. esp this guy called jo, who was v earnest and adorably nervous when talkig to us, he kept saying "okkaiiiee" in a british accent, and it was allquite endearing really, as compared to the law prof fr kings (forgot his name), who quite blatantly fell asleep during his collegues's speeches. hmmm.then went to pig out, and in the process talked to the edb hr person, who's in charge of interviewing aspiring scholars. i think i was quite rude then, talking with my mouth full n oily n everything. must have been quite a sight..haha. hah had to demand that i stop eating and leave so she could get home in time for dinner..heheheh.
saw quite a number of ex-cresecentians and various pri sch mates at the exhibition on fri n sat.hmm, quite petrified that we're all competing for the same thing(s).in othernews, i can't stop eating, i'm hoping against hope that all the weight i've gained is due to water retention, but somehowww, i don't think so.must stop binging when stressed.
and yesss! am happy for the seniors, who were all pretty happy with their results. 19/47 peepsgot their 4 As, and 32/47 got 3As or more. hx,mel,sheryl,zhuanghui,lynn,em,judith (of course), zhipeng(of course) all got their 4As.
19/47 got the perfect 432/47got 3 As or more. hmmm,according to my current class ranking, i'm left out !!! ddiieeeee. wail!!!rjc 56%-4Ashci: 43%-4As (i think, some rumours have it at 47%, but still....)
yup, it does look quite bad eh?
ah what the heck, will mug harder. or at least try.
Saturday, February 26, 2005
ehh, quite fun(gathering, Not x-ctry), but mostly a massive exchange of gossip re KEITH. scandalous, our good buddy. i always knew he was a bit of a casanova, but PENNY?!?!? omg, am shocked and vaguely traumatised. hmmm, shall not ramble too much abt k n xiaoqi in front of her fr now onwards. heheh...can't stop sniggering..ah, feel quite mean. then discussed antony n his depression/parallel w some deranged rg chick/bisexual tendancies towards joel (ahhaha) etc
ok, sadly birthday boy occupies the second spot as his fodder is not as juicy as keithy's. the nice guy (ian, not keith, he cldn't come cos Someone is more impt...humph.he actually ditched us a couple of times for her, that ungrateful brat) offered to pay for all meals but then we were too paiseh when the bill arrived ($230.39!!!), so we ended up coughing up our own cash, as a result, am terribly broke now, and jts tmr is going to deplete my cny stash...argh.... basically we just made alot of noise there, but no one really noticed cos everyone else was ...engrossed. anyway, i have a comppliant!!: nydc is friggin ineffiecient, my plate of all american ziti pasta came like 20mins after everyone else's food had arrived, (leon n jyhc finished their pastas before mine had arrived.wahhhh) 3 ppl spent 10 mins counting the orders 5 times before they were convinced that my plate was not in front of me. irritating lack of food added on to general feeling of starvation and heatstroke from the horrible crosscountry. (which EVERYONE ponned except for the competitiors. eeps. haha, my placing was a v miserable 126...)
anyway, am rambling on: then we walked over to ian's house (yesss, the lucky shit literally lives in the middle of orchard road..humph)., sang teh v nice bday song, took pics with his parents and slacked by the pool for a while, then hcpple left him to fend for himself with his ac khjakis. err, apparently there's some sort of weird ac tradition to strip him, so most of us didn't reeallly wanna be there for that.
yup, then by the time i got home almost midnight and all my mugging intentions dissipated by the time i finished bathing (still having a bit of a headache now, though i didn't drink last night. (quite proud of meself :) initially thought it was brain freeze from all the ice cream, but now i think it was the bloody blazing sun during the run--> heatstroke.waahhhh) (ok, am whining alot, but wth.)
cap submissions due on mon, but i haven't finished editing ANYTHING, and hpf hasn't replied, but i'm not really frazzled....yet, let's All Wait Till Sun Night before we Panic k?
Monday, February 21, 2005
yup, will need to be friendlier, i remember nurul telling me once that i seemed so dao during the first week of sch..seemed to have lost my thick skinned egotistical friendliness after sec 3. *shudder* ok la, sec3-4 wasn't THAT bad....haha;p
am meeting hpf tmr w jy n nurul, and i've got shit to give her la. feel like i'm wasting my mentorship, we talk waaayyy too much crap when we're together. should stop rambling on about iraq/democracy/education in sg etcetc and various other murky issues and focus.hahaha. (ok, this haha thing is varying from the cynical, sarcastic to the plain perverted/retarded) want to go watch some romcom play at wheelock w them after meeting ends:)
tee's being weird as usual and asking everyone to marry him. i think he has some sort of quota to fulfill or sth. anyway, shall try to emulate his mugging successsss....arghhh
love cny (yes, the festivities are still going on in the ooi family, had another reunion dinner yesterday, am growing fat, and the fact that i've had to adjust my skirt buckle is testament to this. i don't have the courage to step up on the weighing scale :/) wanted to go jogging today, but got pulled out by sherry to Walk Around Aimlessly. (wasting our youth staring at lights;p)alright, i think we spent 1 hr plus mugging (futile...) in macdonalds. will go jogging later, and am thinking of bringing tyson in case i get mugged (ahhh, the irony of words..haha. sorry). he's damn irritating, ruining all our furniture, clothes,shoes etcetc. but i'm trying to tame him. can't really bear to give him away. plus bambi's really lovable as a pet, but probably an utterly inept guard dog. haha (i think this one falls under resigned loyalty. or depravity) remember folks, emily is not crazy, she's just mad.
i think i can only blog for a short while until it becomes intolerable.
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Friday, February 04, 2005
mildly scandalous discovery: ho poh fun has been carrying a torch for arthur yap for a looooong time, tho he's already got a gay partner (the current one is caucasian)... hmmm, wonder if she knows she's being played like an old fag hag. sad, really... will gently bring it up the next time if see her. (gasp, she wants to meet on v day, cos she doesn't have plans. unfortunately i'm sad n undesireable as well, so i'll be free then. haha.)
Thursday, February 03, 2005
There’s still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
It’s still a little hard to say what's going on
There’s still a little bit of your ghost your weakness
There’s still a little bit of your face i haven't kissed
You step a little closer each day
That i can’t say what's going on
Stones taught me to fly
Love, it taught me to lie
Life, it taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannonball
There’s still a little bit of your song in my ear
There’s still a little bit of your words I long to hear
You step a little closer to me
So close that I can't see what's going on
Stones taught me to fly
Love, it taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannon..
Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to crySo come on courage
Teach me to be shy'Cause it's not hard to fall
And I don't wanna scare herIt's not hard to fall
And I don't wanna loseIt's not hard to grow
When you know that you just don't know
-Damien Rice
omg, near obsessed w this song, am looping it ad nauseum, tho am not sick of it--yet.
Damien Rice rocks! but i like a cover one of his fans did..err naomi something or other.
find it here: lol, look for cannonball by naomi and danny. :)
Monday, January 31, 2005
Sunday, January 30, 2005
stuffed myself silly yesterday:
`yin yang dessert (walnut + almond paste-hot)
warm familial feeling, shared various (peanut, seasame) concoctions w 2 vv good friends!
`char quay tiao
i think i gulped down 10 tablespoons of oil, but it was good ($4 tho). then got a tad disgusted by the cockles, cos just after i finished praising them and asking sher n qing to try some, one started to ooze weird reddish black juice from its centre. was kinda piqued, then proceeded to set up "inedible and evil pus oozing marine bivalve mollusks" section on my plate and used my spoon to dissect all the other cockles, whereby they produced a pool of highly questionable liquid. the worse bit: the liquid blended right in with the rest of the dish, black, slimy, a bit bloody. cue plath who says morosely:"the blood berries are themselves, they are very still" lol
i went on to finish the whole plate. (haha, qing ate some too, but i think sherry was secretly disgusted by my dinner but had the courtesy not to say so...)
`chinese rojak w extra you tiao cos qing whined to the tattoed but surprisingly nice rojak uncle who wanted to pass his baton in the art of rojak making to qing... ("ni yao xue zou arh? zhe yang cha cha lor, haha")
`happy vegcrisps
basically a very unhealthy dish that uses a v healthy main ingredient. no one wanted to eat it when i got home cos apparently they had a HUGE dinner while iwas away. humph
`sampled alot of goodies along the way. what! they were offering k...
ohwells have the urge to write sth nice abt yesterday, been feeling like i'm wasting my mentorship, havn't written anything properly for almost a month. eek. will send ms ho a nice cny card to remind her that's she sorta loved... :)
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
the poor in ethiopia are gruesomely different from the poor in britain. the situation in uk is, if you live in the inner city area of liverpool, u haven't got a car, a tv, an aircon, life is hell. but in ethiopia, u haven't even got food, but the relative poverty is lower.
because they're used to dying over there.
singapore govt trying to find more jobs for retirees, and raising retirement age.
does so on the pretext of letting elderly enjoy their golden years. but seriously, wth wants to spend their shining golden yrs pumping petrol at the neighbourhood shell kiosk?and if they do think that's a fulfilling way to spend one's later yrs, they've probably inhaled too much toxic petroleum fumes which have irrevocably damaged their brain cells, bringing them a step closer to senility.
argh, am being unfeeling bitch here. i'm just terrified of aging.
the deranged hardly ever know about their...disability. i don't want to euphemise it, but i can't help it. do you ever want someone to tell you that you've lost it, that you've gone mad,without you knowing when, or how. who knows the critical point of insanity, the precise moment when your remaining slivers of rationality precipitate into a single morose molecule before dissipating into the misted forests of your mind. wouldn't everyone prefer it this way, instantaneous, buffered by a comforting zone of ignorance, rather than to have it set in slowly, yourself excruciatingly aware of the existence of your mind's non-existence.
take away, all at once.
all at once, take it away.
take it all away, at once.
there ppl, here it comes, it's setting in already...i can feeel it. argh, utterly senseless post.
possible explanation: have been doing plath for the past TWO hours.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
ewww,econs test soon on national income accounting (?!?!). can't bring myself to mug, am perpetually sleeping. ok, will halt this very boring and ... er boring update.
bye!!! meet up soon!!
the words do not fit in the screen and this is not supposed to happen
Sunday, January 02, 2005
26th Dec 2004
One year from now, this is going to be reduced to a problematic statistic. 130 000 is a horrific number, but who remembers the 100 000 killed in an Iran earthquake exactly one year before? It seems horribly pretentious to be grieving for them. I don’t know anyone involved, I haven’t visited most of those areas, I haven’t even heard of some of those places before this (Khaw Luak ??) I can’t do anything substantial for them, or perhaps I’m too afraid, ignorant, lazy, uninspired to do so. It’s unbearable and out of my depth to think about the victims and perhaps, even worse off, the survivors of the attack. (it‘s weird to use the word “attack”, like when we say “terrorist attack”, but now mother nature herself is the culpable one.) It’s been raining for the past few days, and I’m cold here in Singapore. Wonder how it is for those in Aceh. You know, if this disaster could spark off some inroads to a peace agreement between the central Indonesian government and the Aceh rebels, perhaps there will be at least some good to come out of this catastrophe.
Perhaps it’s best not to think too much about the disaster in it’s whole monstrosity, but to focus on the micro aspects of it. Dive into volunteer work. No, I’m not talking about going to Sri Lanka to help dig mass graves or direct emergency aid. Someone told me this: if you don’t know what you’re going to do, don’t go cos you’ll just be wasting everybody’s time and resources. Stay in Singapore and help ring bells for the RC or help to pack and box donated items. Donating $10 could go a long way if everyone chipped in. Japan has donated US$500 million, the biggest single donation from a country, and it touches me because if you think about it, they weren’t very much affected, in terms of geographical location, they didn’t feel any tremors. Neither did they suffer many casualties in terms of Jap tourist deaths. That’s why Bush frickin pissed me off when he initially commissioned US$35 mil for foreign aid. (He later upped the donation to US$350 mil after being sworn and cursed at by majority of the world, but it‘s still way less then Japan‘s donation, esp if you consider the proportionate size of each country‘s economy). For the record, Singapore only donated US$3 mil, whereas South korea and Taiwan have each donated US$5 mil. Well, if we’ve been experiencing “robust growth”, where have all the excess money gone to. I’m normally blindly adoring the PAP, but it’s disgusting that they prefer to keep the money in order to dangle election goodies for the people. I mean, who else are we going to vote for anyway?
Don’t feel guilty that you’re warm and alive while others are cold, in pain, too dead to even feel the pain, too in pain to even remember what pain is. There is no point to this guilt, and your energy would probably be more positively generated into doing actual work. Mere sympathy is not tangible, which translates into uselessness. The survivors won’t feel it, much less the deceased victims.
26th Dec 2004
One year from now, this is going to be reduced to a problematic statistic. 130 000 is a horrific number, but who remembers the 100 000 killed in an Iran earthquake exactly one year before? It seems horribly pretentious to be grieving for them. I don’t know anyone involved, I haven’t visited most of those areas, I haven’t even heard of some of those places before this (Khaw Luak ??) I can’t do anything substantial for them, or perhaps I’m too afraid, ignorant, lazy, uninspired to do so. It’s unbearable and out of my depth to think about the victims and perhaps, even worse off, the survivors of the attack. (it‘s weird to use the word “attack”, like when we say “terrorist attack”, but now mother nature herself is the culpable one.) It’s been raining for the past few days, and I’m cold here in Singapore. Wonder how it is for those in Aceh. You know, if this disaster could spark off some in roads to a peace agreement between the central Indonesian government and the Aceh rebels, perhaps there will be at least some good to come out of this catastrophe.
Perhaps it’s best not to think too much about the disaster in it’s whole monstrosity, but to focus on the icro aspects of it. Dive into volunteer work, no I’m not talking about going to Sri Lanka to help dig mass graves or direct emergency aid. Someone told me this: if you don’t know what you’re going to do, don’t gp cos you’ll just be wasting everybody’s time and resources. Stay in Singapore and help ring bells for the RC or help to pack and box donated items. Donating $10 could go a long way if everyone chipped in. Japan has donated US$500 million, the biggest single donation from a country, and it touches me because if you think about it, they weren’t very much affected, in terms of geographical location, they didn’t feel any tremors or suffer much casualties in terms of Jap tourist deaths. That’s why Bush frickin pissed me off when he initially commissioned US$35 mil. (He later upped the donation to US$350 mil, but it‘s still way less then Japan‘s donation, esp if you consider the proportionate size of each country‘s economy). For the record, Singapore only donated US$3 mil, whereas south korea and Taiwan have each donated US$5 mil. Well, if we’ve been experiencing “robust growth”, where have all the excess money gone to. I’m normally blindly adoring the PAP, but it’s disgusting that they prefer to keep the money in order to dangle election goodies for the people. I mean, who else are we going to vote for anyway?
Don’t feel guilty that you’re warm and alive while others are cold, in pain, too dead to even feel the pain, too in pain to even remember what pain is. There is no point to this guilt, and your energy would probably be more positively generated into doing actual work. Mere sympathy is not tangible, which translates into uselessness. The survivors won’t feel it, much less the deceased victims.